Compression-free Mammograms
Coming Soon!
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What is The Painless Mammogram?

Every woman knows the importance of routine breast imaging to screen for breast cancer. Mammograms have been the standard for decades, but why hasn’t there been an alternative developed that can avoid the painful compression and the impersonal pulling and tugging during the appointment? At The Painless Mammogram, we believe that the breast imaging experience should not be something women dread. That’s why we use the Koning Vera to provide a completely painless experience. The Koning Vera is the only FDA approved breast imaging device that uses computed tomography to produce improved images at the same radiation dose as a mammogram. Our goal is to provide a superior patient experience that also allows the radiologist to make a more accurate diagnosis. As a 100% physician owned facility, we are absolutely dedicated to patient care at the highest level.

No Painful

Only 7-Seconds

Same Radiation Dose
as Compression Mammography

Real 3D

The Power of The Painless Mammogram

This patient had a traditional compression mammogram (left) which didn’t show any sign of cancer. Luckily though The Painless Mammogram (right) showed she had a small cancer at an early stage that could be completely cured by removing it. Since The Painless Mammogram is a much higher quality and true three-dimensional image compared to a traditional mammogram, it can detect breast cancer at its earliest and most treatable stages.

Traditional Compression Mammogram

The Painless Mammogram

Koning Vera Breast CT

The Koning Difference

Koning Vera Breast CT is a revolutionary 3D breast imaging device that produces real 3D images of the breast. Koning Vera Breast CT provides exceptional spatial resolution, dramatically improving the way clinicians visualize and evaluate breast tissue while improving the patient exam experience.

How Does The Painless Mammogram Work?

An Elevated Experience

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